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Our team reviews applications during our business hours, from 8 AM to 4:30 PM CST, Monday through Friday. Please contact us if you do not hear back within 3 business days.
Explore Practitioner Benefits
We are excited at the prospect of working together to change more lives. In the meantime, explore these additional resources for practitioners.
Attend Practitioner Events
Join us for live and virtual educational opportunities from our expert nutrition science team and other Standard Process expert practitioner leaders. — Your Nutrition Education Resource
Collaborating with some of the world’s most influential clinical investigators and institutions, WholisticMatters is designed to keep you current in nutrition practices that help improve health outcomes. It provides interactive tools and valuable information for holistic, integrative, and functional health care approaches that use nutrition therapy.
eCommerce Solutions for Practitioners
With our templated ecommerce experience available to qualifying practitioners, current and prospective patients can order at their convenience and have their products shipped directly to their home.